Pattern Generator

Shape Library



An art tool that leverages a grid-based structure to facilitate systematic and creative exploration.

Systematic Variation

ICONA allows users to populate a grid with diverse shapes—ranging from images to GIFs, Lottie animations, and SVGs—and then apply systematic variations to these elements. This capability enables users to explore the visual dynamics between order and chaos. Each shape can be animated using GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform), enhancing the interactive and dynamic aspect of the creations.

Algorithmic Approach

The tool incorporates options for algorithmically generating variations within the grid, enabling a vast array of possible combinations and configurations. This feature allows for the exploration of complex pattern generation and intricate design possibilities.

Minimalism and Repetition

Following a minimalist aesthetic, ICONA supports the creation of designs featuring repetitive patterns. Users can make subtle changes to individual elements within the grid, leading to complex and dynamic compositions that evolve over time.

Geometry and Precision

With its emphasis on geometric precision, ICONA provides a robust framework for artists to experiment with form and composition. The grid helps in organizing and structuring the artwork, ensuring that each piece maintains a coherent visual logic.


Canvas Shape creator

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